About Me!
MTrainDev. Renata Angelo

Corporate Events
As a keynote speaker on corporate events and conferences Renata works with many companies to inspire their teams to achieve outstanding results. Her programs are highly interactive, fun and they also provide opportunities for participants to step outside of their comfort zone into a growth zone.
Renata was invited to speak for American Chamber of Commerce, British Chamber of Commerce, Unicef, Hewlett Packard, Mary Kay and many others.

If you are ready to embark on the journey of transformation, challenge your limiting believes, face your fears and discover your true potential, make sure to attend one of Renata’s transformational programs.
Renata’s Background
Renata is an inspirational speaker, coach and a bestselling author. Her life mission is to raise consciousness on this planet. When she managed to self-heal from a partial disability after a motorbike accident she realised the power of intuition, intention and determination. She understands that our challenges are our biggest opportunities for growth. She will assist you to break through your limiting believes and subconscious blockages that might hold you back so you can fully utilise your potential and become the best version of yourself.
Renata has inspired thousands of people on several continents to take powerful action steps to transform their lives and to turn their goals and dreams into a reality. She loves turning “impossible” into “possible”.
Renata has over fifteen years of experience in the areas of personal, professional and spiritual development. She was teaching the subject of “Training and Development“ at Griffith University, Gold Coast, Australia. She is a founder of four companies and a co-founder of a non-profit organisation.
Renata lived on four continents, which gave her a great opportunity to meet and understand people from different cultures. She has discovered success principles that are universal, and she shares them through her seminars, books and coaching.
Renata was featured on national TV and she was also invited to speak on radio shows and educational conferences. She has published articles in personal development magazines and co-authored US BestSelling books with Brian Tracy and Richard Branson.

Fire Walking
Renata is a certified firewalking instructor from F.I.R.E. Institute in USA, where she learned from Tolly Burkan. In her transformational firewalking program Renata teaches advanced mental techniques and she successfully leads participants to walk over fire (not only hot coals).
Renata offers limited private coaching to clients who are committed to take their lives to the next level. She empowers people to overcome their fears and challenges and to shift their believes. She equips her clients with proven strategies that leads to transformation.
Renata’s Clients
Renata clients are corporations like AEGON, ALLIANZ, American Chamber of Commerce, British Chamber of Commerce, Hewlett Packard, IKEA, ING, Mary Kay, Metlife, METRO, Mountfield, NuSkin, O2, T-Mobil, Unicef and many others.
Renata was a key note speaker on seminars and conferences in Europe, America and Australia. She facilitated team building programs in Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Russia, Poland, Bulgaria, Slovakia and Czech
Renata will inspire and empower you to get from where you are to where you want to be fast.
Who Inspired me?
Renata found a lot of inspiration from Tony Robins, Nick Vujicic, Brian Tracy, Deepak Chopra, Jack Canfield, Robert and Kim Kiyosaki, Amit Goswami, Dan Millman, Sir John Whitmore, Marie Diamond, Masaru Emoto, and many more…
People who inspired and influenced Renata…

Brian Tracy

Tony Robbins

Nick Vujicic

Sir John Whitmore

Deepak Chopra

Kim Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki

Jack Canfield

Marie Diamond

Masaru Emoto

Dan Millman

Amit Goswami
If you want to have something you’ve never had, you have to do something you never did.
Satisfied Clients

What those who went through the seminars say?
Ahoj Renatka,
Ja som dnes mala úplne skvelý deň v práci, po víkende s Tebou sa len usmievam a som nabitá energiou, úplne skvele!
Ešte raz ďakujem. Som šťastná, že ťa poznám! Si jedinečná životná učiteľka. Je vidiet a cítiť, že to, čo miluješ to čo robíš, dávaš do toho celé srdce a celú seba. Preto sa budem veľmi tešiť na každé ďaľšie stretnutie alebo spoluprácu 🙂
„Mám za sebou báječný zážitek plný sebepoznání, překročení vlastních stínů a zanechání strachu jiným!!! Děkuji a jsem vděčná za skvělý den plný lásky a super lidí! Renčo, díky, jsi úžasná a čistá duše.“ – Barbora Broučková
„Velice děkuji za překrásný zážitek, který mě naplnil až po okraj energií a sílou zbavit se strachu a dosáhnout na své sny. Díky.“
Lenka Dudášová
„Odnáším si posílenou víru v to, že každý může žít šťastný život a záleží to jenom na nás samotných. Věřím, že se to mě i všem ostatním podaří. Děkuji za super nevšední zážitek, který otvírá v mém životě nové rozměry.“
“Dear Renata, I have experienced a true transformation during the firewalking event. I have managed to double my revenues one month after the event and 1 year later my revenues went up by 500%. It is unbelievable! After I have managed to I walked over fire that had 600 degrees I gain the confidence that I can achieve anything in my life. I am truly grateful that I have met you. You are an amazing woman! Firewalking with you was life changing for me and I recommend it to anyone who is ready for change.”
“Thank you so much for an amazing, inspiring and motivational weekend that changed my perception on what is possible. After walking over the fire I have realised that I can achieve anything in my life. It was a liberating feeling. I let go of negativity and fear. I have clarity in my goals and vision but more importantly I am grateful that I AM. Thank you so much! Renata, you are amazing.”
“Renata, I am really grateful for our-cooperation. Before I met you I did not believe that any change would be possible. I didn’t have any hope. Then miracle came to my life – YOU. You showed me the way out from problems, which I believed don’t have any solution. No specialist in last 3 years was able to do it. Thank you so much for everything. I am looking forward to our next coaching.”
“Dear Renata, coaching with you was the most amazing and empowering encounter I have ever had.”
“Renata, thank you so much for a fantastic day. It was incredible! Now I truly believe that I can turn all my goals into a reality. Now I believe in myself!”
“Hi Renata, I have to thank you again for an amazing weekend. After emotions settled down and I was able to reflect on the whole experience I have to say that you are the first person who helped me to connect to my heart and open it. I have tried to do it for last year and half, but I did not know who to let go of my past and how to overcome my fears. I woke up this morning and went for my training and I felt so light and free as never before. Like I would be flying. I feel fantastic! Thank you so much!”
“Dear Renata, thank you for an amazing day filled with positive energy. I am so grateful for this experience. I connected to my heart, to my inner wisdom and I found a strength inside to overcome any challenge I face. Now I truly know I can achieve anything I want in my life.”
Let’s turn your dreams and goals into reality!